Premenstrual Syndrome

Aug 1. 2021

At GluCare, we take a different approach to Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). In-clinic, our real-time laboratory produces results in less than 40 minutes, leading for a meaningful discussion with your endocrinologist during you visit. For those who are part of our digital therapeutics program, and through our artificial intelligence algorithms, we continuously analyse predictive risk scores across other diseases. We also look at the effect of PMS on certain daily physiological parameters such as sleep, activity and stress. We use more data points that any other endocrinology practise to help patients understand and manage their condition better.

Repeated menstruation every month in a woman’s life is considered a sign of being healthy. However, the symptoms that occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle negatively affect the lives of most women. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) occurs approximately five days before [1] menstruation and ends a few days after menstruation starts. It is often accompanied by physical and psychological symptoms.

In the premenstrual period, changes in appetite such as excessive eating and craving for sweets, weight gain, edema, breast tenderness, abdominal pain, stomach-ache, headaches, insomnia, depressive mood, and anxiety can be observed. Some studies reported that 4 out of 10 women have premenstrual symptoms [2].

The cause is unclear. Some theories suggest serotonergic activity in the brain being influenced by ovarian hormones. High levels of progesterone at the end of each cycle make an individual prone to depression while estrogen creates an antidepressant effect. Therefore, in the luteal phase (second phase of each cycle), low estrogen and high progesterone levels trigger a depressive mood.

Diagnosis is based on the type of symptoms. Health professionals advise women to keep a PMS diary for at least 2 months. Since women have difficulty keeping a written diary, there are mobile apps for this purpose, for example, one called PreMentricS.

The treatment is based upon four steps.

First Step
Training and Consulting to stimulate awareness and to monitor the diary of symptoms.

Second Step
Lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly at least 30 minutes per day, adequate and qualified sleep at least 8 hours a day, quitting smoking, and cognitive behavioral therapy in which it is recommended that women communicate with their partners to share their feelings.

Third Step
Non-Hormonal treatment: some studies show the benefits of calcium, vitamin B6, and magnesium intake.

Hormonal treatment with estrogen, danazol, GnRH analogs, and for symptomatic treatment sometimes it is necessary to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and diuretics.

It is important for women suffering from PMS to be treated by healthcare professionals trained and fully capable of monitoring and treating PMS. GluCare has the unique ability, using Digital Therapeutics, to assist their patients in the complete monitoring of PMS and its symptoms through digital solutions that routinely monitor sleep, weight, food intake, heart rate, and mood swings. Schedule an appointment today to see how GluCare’s remote patient monitoring system can help you deal with PMS.

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